
Certified Welding Inspector: Career Overview


截至2023年, there are roughly 770,000 焊工 in the United 状态s, according to the American Welding Society (AWS). However, more than 155,000 of them are approaching retirement. 因此,美国焊接协会预计,从2023年到2027年,每年将有9万个焊接工作岗位空缺. 

If you’re interested in helping fill this gap, 了解焊工在航空航天等行业中扮演的不同角色非常重要, automotive production, 建设, 和制造业. 焊工操作各种设备来连接或切割金属部件,并填补金属产品的接缝或孔. 此外,他们可能解释蓝图,计算测量和维护设备. 

另一方面,焊接检验员是一种特殊类型的焊工. 他们为自己的角色带来了几年的经验,并处理额外的任务,如进行测试, 维护记录, 和 inspecting joints for compliance. 

To become a certified 焊接 inspector, 个人必须通过考试并熟悉焊接技术, 工具, 代码, 和标准. Foundational training can be gained through a 焊接技术 program. 这些课程提供实践和课堂教学相结合的课程,为毕业生进入焊接行业做好准备. 

Certified Welding Inspector Job Description 

Certified 焊接 inspectors are 熟练的技工,确保焊接部件结构合理,质量高. 他们需要对焊接技术、材料和工艺有很强的了解. 焊接检验员监督焊接十大正规赌博平台大全,确保其符合公司标准和行业规定.

Work Environments for Certified Welding Inspectors

美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a majority (65%) of 焊工 worked in manufacturing as of 2022. 其他雇佣焊工的实体包括专业贸易承包商(7%)和维修和保养提供商(4%)。. Another 4% of 焊工 are self-employed. 

焊工和焊接检验员也在各种气候(包括冷和热环境)和小空间中工作. To protect themselves from work-related injuries, these professionals wear protective equipment, such as helmets or hoods, 眼镜, 安全鞋, heat-resistant gloves, 和 hearing protection devices. 

Certified Welding Inspector Job Responsibilities

认证焊接检验员监督焊接十大正规赌博平台大全是否符合某些规范或标准(包括安全协议)。, 和 keep detailed records of a project’s progress. 他们的主要职责是防止焊接过程中发生错误和事故.

专业人员通常会监督材料和成品的测试. They will also monitor welder qualifications 和 焊接 equipment quality st和ards. 除了 to recordkeeping, 检查员可能需要评估十大正规赌博平台大全,准备并向公司领导层提交报告.

How to Become a Certified Welding Inspector 

Those interested in becoming a certified 焊接 inspector must first earn a high school diploma. The next step is completing a 焊接 培训计划 通过技术或职业学校或社区学院. For entry-level 焊接 roles, 许多雇主寻找受过技术培训的候选人, but some offer on-the-job training for high school graduates. 


Licensure 和 Certification

Some states require 焊工 to be licensed. 至于证书,雇主可能会为某些职位寻找有证书的候选人. 在某些情况下,雇主可能会支付雇员获得认证的费用. 

There are several 焊接 certification options. 为了获得 certified 焊接 inspector (CWI) certificate through the AWS,个人必须达到一定的教育和经验要求. 对于受正规教育年限较短的候选人,最低工作经验要求有所提高.


  • Passing a vision test
  • 通过技术或职业学校课程完成大约一年的焊接课程 possessing at least four years of 焊接 work experience
  • 通过CWI考试的所有三个部分(至少72%的分数), consisting of 焊接 fundamentals, 实际测试, 和 a code book test

Job Outlook for Certified Welding Inspector

劳工统计局预计有42个,600 job openings for 焊工, 刀具, 钎焊工, 和 brazers each year between 2022 和 2032. 这种就业增长的主要原因之一是需要替代退休人员和转行人员. 除了, due to the country’s aging infrastructure, 修理高速公路需要熟练技工,如焊工和焊接检验员的专业知识, 桥梁, 和建筑. 生产机械和金属产品的制造工厂也需要焊工和检查员.

Begin Your Welding Career With a Diploma at Fortis 

The path to becoming a certified 焊接 inspector begins with formal training. 在短短48周内,个人可以通过富通获得职业文凭 焊接技术 培训计划. 焊接课程在许多地方都有提供,比如亚特兰大, 乔治亚州; 伯明翰, 阿拉巴马州; 辛辛那提 和 凯霍加瀑布, 俄亥俄州; 和 Houston, 德州.

在程序中, 您将获得焊接安全实践和不同焊接工艺及其应用的基本知识. You will also learn 焊接 techniques, 具备基本的焊接数学知识和焊接图纸. 

Along with 焊接, Fortis offers skilled trade programs in electrical trades; heating, 通风, 和 air conditioning (暖通空调); 和 electrical systems technology. 


Recommended Readings
5 Industries That Need Welders

American Welding Society, Welding Workforce Data
Indeed, How To Become a Certified Welding Inspector in 2023 
Indeed, How To Become a Welder in 6 Steps
Indeed, Learn 关于 Being a Welder
U.S. 劳工统计局,焊工,切割机,焊工和钎焊工
标签: 焊接